The 9015 system is one of the many underrated Pong related consoles made in Hong Kong. It was supposably manufactured by Conic and surfaced around 1978. The system was mainly sold in Europe and Australia. It never reached the big U.S. video game market. The "9015" was also known as model 4A-8 and offered a small catalog of 7-8 cartridges.
The nice looking, futuristic designed console with solid, well playable paddles was sold by Conic throughout Europe. In Italy it was sold by CGME/Nicole and in Germany by Unimex, Mustang, Poppy & Sanwa and an unknown brand called TV-10. A few consoles also reached Australia and were distributed there by Sheen.
Three different case "colors" were available: consoles with white case and black top, consoles with silver case and black top and consoles with black case and silver top:
A couple of games were available for the system including Superstar (Pong Ball Games), Moto-Cross (Motor Cycle), Panzerspiel (Tank Battle/Bataille De Tank), Autorennen (Road Race/Grand Prix), Wipeout/Bowling (Breakout), U-Boot Krieg (Submarine), Schiess Spiele (Shooting Basic/Jeux-Pistole Basic including 1 Pistole). An additional Game was sold by Unimex / Germany: Treibjagd (Shooting Gallery incl. 2 Pistols).
Game boxes provided nice illustrations. Here are a few examples how some of them looked like:
U-Boot Krieg
Schiess Spiele
Here we added the boxes of all known 9015/4A8 systems (if available):
Conic (Europe)
Mustang (Germany)
Nicole (Italy)
Poppy (Germany)
Sanwa (Germany)
Sheen (Australia)
Unknown Brand TV-10 (Germany)
Unimex (Germany)
A list of 9015 System's cartridge catalogs (if available):
- Mustang Color-Cassetten-Game (kleine Modul Verpackungen) (Deutschland)
- Mustang Color-Cassetten-Game (grosse Modul Verpackungen) (Deutschland)
- Poppy Color-Cassetten-Game (Deutschland)
- Sanwa Color-Cassetten-Game (Deutschland)
- Conic 4A8 Color Cartridge Program (Europa)
- C.G.M.E. Nicole 4A8 Color Cartridge Program (Italien)
- Sheen 4A8 Color Cartridge Program (Australien)
- Unimex Mark VI & IX (kleine Modul Verpackungen) (Deutschland)
- Unimex Mark VI & IX (grosse Modul Verpackungen) (Deutschland)
- Unknown Brand TV-10 (Deutschland)
We did some scans of our 9015 manuals and added them here for download:
"Fernsehspiel" Mustang Color-Cassette-Game 9015
"Fernsehspiel" Sanwa Color-Cassette-Game 9015
Unimex Video-Cassetten-Spiele Mark IV & IX
Unimex Video-Cassetten-Spiele Mark IX (black manual)
Unimex Video-Cassetten-Spiele Mark IX (blue manual - slightly different)
Unimex Video-Cassetten-Spiele Mark IX (english version)
Unimex Complaint Appendix
Unimex Warrenty Claim