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Cabel Electronic Universal Game Computer Games/Spiele (Interton VC-4000 "Familie")

Eine stattliche Anzahl an Spielen wurde für das italienische Universal Game Computer System herausgebracht, einem Interton VC-4000 verwandten System wie auch die Radofin 1292 & 1392 Systeme. Unser Dank an Marco Pasquali für dies Bild seiner Sammlung.

Er meint:
I have more information about the Cabel Universal Game Computer. The system i own is boxed and complete with instruction manual. This console is almost impossible to find, even in Italy. It was produced in Bergamo Italy. Very few were produced and sold only in small toy shops. The system has never been sold in big department stores. On the box of the cartridges is indicated the date of manufacture of september 1982. The total cartridges made for this system are 25 the last game made was the number 25 Green Spider. the system came with 1 game (olympia) two controller (same as Lem 2000) but with possibility to disconnect to the console itself. There are optional controllers sold apart (two keyboard with possibility to put an overlay on them). I have them also. I have 16 games of 25 produced, all complete. The games were divided in 3 series with different prices: Silver (less expensive) Gold (medium price) and Black (high price). The games that use optional keyboard controllers have 2 overlay in the game box.

Dieses Teil haben wir am Friday, 06. November 2015 in unseren Katalog aufgenommen.

6709 mal angeschaut.

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