I just joined your web page because I happened to be reminiscing about some projects I worked with my father on when I was a kid. My good mate didn't believe me and googled the word Teleten and here I am. My father was a silent partner in a firm called Braemars, my dad developed the circuit layout for the Teleten and I with his supervision assembled them in our house. The firts unit we played with till we wore it out, then we had an oppertunity to fly from Edinburgh to London to appear on the Tomorrow's World program and show this new Tv game.
The second generation game was squash whereas the first generation was tennis only.
I was born in 61 and clearly remember being tought how place the components on the board, then I graduated to soldering. I was fourteen at the time which places the first few Teletens around 1975.
I'm quite delighted to see this website, fanbloodytastic....
The guy who developed the circuit design ( not layout) was Hungarian and called Stephen Horseler, I will never forget him as he never paid my father for his work and he disappeared after selling this and three other ideas to companies in the US.
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